Sunday, January 31, 2016

My first documentary review...

A new section on the blog called "A Slice of Life" and it's first review. Check out my thoughts on documentary "Going Clear: Scientology and The Prison of Belief" as well as little story of my own concerning this controversial cult. No, I'm not a member don't worry ;-) Read the review

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

San Andreas...caught between The Rock and a Hard Place

If "2012" was your thing then you'll dig "San Andreas" starring The Rock, or is that Dwayne Johnson? Nah, he'll always be The Rock. Here's the review.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Subscribe to my newsletter "The Monthly Digest" 1st Edition Now Available

Check out a preview of the 1st Edition of my newsletter "The Monthly Digest" all about my writing. If you'd like this sent to your inbox every month just subscribe via the homepage on my site (scroll to the bottom where it says News & Updates). Thanks guys, appreciate the support as always. - Subscribe Here!

Before he directed the big killer shark in "Jaws" he directed a big killer truck in "Duel" - Spielberg's first film as director.

Go Down to the Basement and check out my review for “Duel”, Steven Spielberg’s directorial debut. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Check out the newest page on the blog "Movie Trivia"

Now you can hang out on my movie blog even more! I've created a new page "Movie Trivia"; test your knowledge of famous movie characters, story lines and quotes. Challenge me and try to beat my score! Visit 'Movie Trivia' and start playing...