In this section of the blog, I'll make any special announcements as they come up.
Sunday 21st January 2018.
It’s a new year, and I spend a lot of January reflecting on
the previous year, planning for the one ahead, and with a bit of down time up
my sleeve before work goes back, I watch / re-watch a few movies.
And for most of the movies I watch, I’ll write up my thoughts
on this blog. For the past six years I’ve been working on “An Aussies Goes
Hollywood”, and I love it. Watching movies and writing – combining two of my
greatest passions together, and sharing my words with family, friends and total
strangers is very rewarding. Even if I don’t get paid for it, that’s okay. If I
didn’t have to work for money, I would probably run this blog full time.
In fact, my plans for the expansion of this blog are
massive, so here’s some insight on that as well as a few other recent
milestones the blog has achieved.
Blog Visits Reach a Milestone
Just a week or so ago, I shared on Facebook I was only a few
hits away from welcoming my 12,000th visitor to the blog. And I'm happy to say that today
saw the…
12,069 Visitor to An Aussie Goes Hollywood!
I’m very proud of that milestone, and although my mum has
probably visited the blog 10,000 of those 12,000 times, I’m still honoured π
And as I hit that target, I realised I’ve never added up the
number of films I’ve reviewed on this blog. My guess was somewhere over 150
maybe, but I was well short of that. With the addition of the “Movies of my 20’s”
and “Urban Legends in Film” recently, I’ve now reviewed a total of 217 films on
this blog. Sounds like a lot, and I guess it is. But compared to the number of
movies I’ve seen (somewhere in the thousands) and the number of movies I plan
to review as part of the blog’s expansion (around 2000) I’ve got a long way to
Does that mean I’ll be locking myself in a room to watch
movies and write about them for the next year? Of course not, although that would
be an interesting social experiment. Rather, this expansion will take place
over the next 5-10 years. I’m realistic, and a little ambitious, and not
intending it to take my entire life. I will eventually move onto other
projects, but I do consider the construction of “An Aussie Goes Hollywood” to become
one of the leading movie review blogs on the net, then I might turn the whole
thing into something of an Encyclopedia of Brian’s Movies Reviews.
Then, and only then,
will my life be complete…
So, what lies ahead for the blog?
Learning from my past, I will not be giving too much away
here, especially of that which is only on the drawing board, or even less, a
thought in my mind, but as for the ever versatile “Spotlight” section, you will
see a lot more reviews popping up there. If you follow the Facebook page for
the blog, you might have seen a poll posted this week, asking which series of
reviews you’d like me to write next. I will do more of these polls moving
forward, so if you’d like to have some say over the content on the blog, then
cast your vote. If you vote, you might even get a special mention. If you’ve
read even just a few of my reviews, you’ll notice I like to inject my own personal
life experiences into the reviews if the movie calls for it, so if you were at
the cinema with me, or part of that life experience related to the movie, you
might even get a mention π
Other sections on the blog will continue like normal, and I
will try my best to finally finish off the section “Favourite Genre Films”.
Based on my blogs statistics, this is actually the most visited page on the
blog, and it’s not even complete. That tells me you and all my other loyal readers
are keen to know what my genre picks are, or just look at a wider selection of
films across the 27 genres listed. I know what the films are, I just need to
get around to writing the reviews, so bear with me… I’ll get there.
Even though my reviews are 99% for the films of Hollywood, I
like to think the blog is very diverse in it’s categories, genres and narrative
styles when it comes to movie reviews. That’s why, I do intend to upload the
following sections to the blog in the near future…
The Best of... This section will focus on the top five films
of certain actors and directors, with an in-depth analysis of each film and a
bio on the actor or director
Back to the 80's - How could I not include this on the blog?
Made in the 90's - Somehow, this decade is slowly becoming nostalgic
too. Scary…
That’s all I’ll reveal for now.
Thanks for reading and following my blog
over the years. I know of a few people personally who read my blog, as they
tell me, but based on my visits, there are many more out there who read it, and
are mystery visitors to me. That’s okay. If you prefer to remain anonymous,
that’s okay with me. Like the movie shows itself through a screen to millions
of eyes it will never really know, so does my blog reach its own little
audience it will never meet in the flesh. How can it? It’s a website! But,
metaphorically speaking, if you connect with my writing, get to relive the memory
of a film you love or discover a new one out of the blue, then that’s my job.
Keep reading, and…
the Movies”
Your friend and movie reviewer (not critic),