Thursday, January 30, 2020

Want to be a Film Reviewer for this blog? Let's talk!

Consider yourself a film reviewer? Love watching movies, talking about them and writing about them? 

I'm looking for movie lovers and film buffs who like to write and want to review movies. 

An Aussie Goes Hollywood has plans for big expansion, reviewing movies across all genres, decades and styles. I don't have all the time in the world to watch and individually review over 2000 films, so I need your help. 

This is not a paid gig, but more for the fun of it. It's also a good chance to flesh our your writing skills and have an excuse to watch more movies!

If you're interested, email me and I can tell you more about the kind of reviewer I'm looking for. Your reviews would be shared on this blog and on the official Facebook page, and I'm also happy to help you define and design your own move review blog if that's a goal of yours.

Talk Soon! 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Slice of Life - Finding Joe

Did you realise some of the most successful, well-known and widely-loved movies of all time follow the same story arc? It's called, "The Hero's Journey" and in this little documentary, you will come to understand it and even be inspired by it. Here's my review for "Finding Joe"